Baby Steps…

I’ve been wanting to ‘cut the cord’ with various forms of Social Media for a while, but have not quite been able to make the break. Despite all of the negatives, they do make it easy to keep in touch with family and friends. And the memories. I do love reading through the memories – all those things we shared with others – or they with us – over the past decade. 

I don’t know how having such easy communication has made us less connected. We know hardly anyone writes real letters – but no one sends email anymore either. We can’t even count on the once a year connection of Christmas cards, since so many people have stopped sending them.  Meanwhile, the Social Media that ‘connected’ us all has become a sea of memes and ads and very little real connection. 

So. Here we are. This is my attempt to connect – in a similar, yet different way. I don’t know what the final answer will be. But expect a Christmas card from us — and maybe we’ll even start writing letters again. Stranger things have happened.

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